Discovering bed bugs in your home immediately ruins one's day, especially if you know how disruptive these pests can be. If you've never encountered these little bloodsuckers before, you'll be astounded by the number of facts you're about to learn.
These facts include the bed bug's remarkable ability to survive for extended periods of time without eating. Many people find this length of time impressive, but it is very frustrating for anyone who wanted to fight bed bugs by letting them die on their own. Before we go any further, the idea of trying to eliminate bed bugs from your home by starving them is a bad one because bed bugs will move from place to place in order to feed. As a result, the bed bugs will spread and become even more difficult to eradicate. Will bed bugs die without a host?

So, how long can bed bugs survive in the absence of a host? There have been numerous studies on bed bug survival, and the only thing the researchers seemed to agree on was that bed bugs can hibernate. However, the length of that hibernation is still debatable. So the most conclusive answer we can give is that bed bugs can go without feeding for an average of two to six months to a year (depending on multiple factors).
Exterminators of Bed Bugs
Isn't that very conclusive? Not to worry, there are reasons for these discrepancies. The fact that there are several conditions that affect bed bug survival accounts for the disparity in conclusions about their survivability. This article delves into the factors that influence a bed bug's life span.
These elements are as follows:
⦁ temperature
⦁ Stage of development of bed bugs
⦁ bed bug species, and much more
What exactly is Bed Bug Hibernation
The Factors Influencing Bed Bug Survivability
• Temperature Variations
• Bed Bug Life Cycle Stages
• The Bed Bug Strain
• The Quantity of Blood
What Exactly Is Bed Bug Hibernation
Bed bugs enter a state known as diapause when they hibernate. Bed bugs do not hibernate at any particular time. They do not hibernate indefinitely like bears, but rather in response to environmental factors. Climate change is to blame. Temperature changes cause these bugs to go into a dormant state, preserving energy and allowing them to live longer without eating.
What Exactly Are Bed Bugs? (Origins, History, Evolution & More)
The Factors Influencing Bed Bug Survivability
As previously stated, numerous studies have been conducted to determine how long bed bugs can survive without feeding. These tests were carried out in labs with highly controlled environments. It should be noted that these extreme environments may differ from reality because bed bugs migrate in search of food.
In the real world, a starving bed bug would have to be found in extreme circumstances, such as in an abandoned home that also happens to be in an isolated location with no other homes. Most people prefer Chicago bed bug experts to remove bed bugs from their homes.
The lab results show that bed bugs can go without food for inexplicably long periods of time, with the longest being 18 months in 1914. Other recent studies have found that in starvation tests, bed bugs die after only two months. In their research, these tests included the following conditions.
Temperature Variations
Climate change is one of the factors that have a significant impact on bed bug reproduction, feeding habits, and lifespan. To begin, it should be noted that one of the most effective ways to eliminate bed bugs is to drastically alter the temperature of a room. Bed bugs cannot survive in temperatures below 0 degrees Fahrenheit and cannot survive in temperatures above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. This is why some exterminators prefer to use heat as their primary method of removing bed bugs.
However, when temperatures drop, bed bugs enter a state of diapause in an attempt to survive the unfavorable conditions. If the temperatures remain somewhat bearable, the hibernating bed bugs will be able to survive because they will remain dormant until the temperature changes. Only when the temperature drops below freezing do the bed bugs perish.
Bed Bug Life Cycle Stages
Before becoming an adult, a bed bug goes through several instar stages. There are five stages in total, each of which requires feeding and skin shedding before moving on to the next. As the bed bug progresses through the stages, its resilience grows, allowing it to go longer without eating.
The temperature has been shown in studies to affect these stages as well. The younger the bed bug, the less likely it is to survive the harsh conditions that are thrown at it. A nymph must feed in order to progress to the next stage. If it does not, the next stage is either delayed or permanently hampered.
The Bed Bug Strain
There are over ninety different species of bed bugs in the world. Only three, however, are interested in human blood. As a result, it has been discovered that certain strains of bed bugs are more resistant than others. This is one of the reasons why bed bug removal has been so difficult. The difference in bed bug strains has also played a role in why all of those starvation studies came to differing conclusions about how long a bed bug can survive without a meal.
The Quantity of Blood
The feeding time of bed bugs is determined by their size and the amount of blood they have previously consumed. This influences its desire to feed again. If the bug's last meal was substantial, it will be able to survive for a longer period of time before starvation sets in.
Important Notes
Bed bugs can survive for a long time without feeding. This information may not be useful in the fight against bed bugs because using starvation against these bloodsuckers would take a lot of time and strategy. To successfully use starvation to eliminate bed bugs in your home, you must completely remove the bed bugs from the food chain. Another feature that calls into question the idea of using starvation as a tool against bed bugs is the fact that they would eventually spread out in search of a meal, causing the problem to spread.
As stated in the preceding points, there are various strains of bed bugs, and determining the type of bed bug you have in your home would be extremely difficult. You may have a strain that is resistant to most challenges; this would result in frustration because they would overcome the same challenges designed to eliminate them.
Overall, bed bugs have some survival strategies up their sleeves, and the best way to get rid of them is to hire an exterminator. If you have a smaller infestation, you can eliminate it using our methods. If the infestation is severe, your exterminator will inspect your home and identify the type of bed bug that is residing there. They will then devise a plan to eliminate the bed bugs, which may include a series of repeat treatments because, as previously stated, bed bugs can survive for quite some time without a meal.
When you treat your home for bed bugs, some will usually hide until the chemicals are no longer as effective. When they determine that the environment is safe again, they come out and continue to feed, necessitating a repeat treatment. They may enter diapause while hiding until the conditions are favorable again.
Discovering bed bugs in your home immediately ruins one's day, especially if you know how disruptive these pests can be. If you've never encountered these little bloodsuckers before, you'll be astounded by the number of facts you're about to learn.
These facts include the bed bug's remarkable ability to survive for extended periods of time without eating. Many people find this length of time impressive, but it is very frustrating for anyone who wanted to fight bed bugs by letting them die on their own. Before we go any further, the idea of trying to eliminate bed bugs from your home by starving them is a bad one because bed bugs will move from place to place in order to feed. As a result, the bed bugs will spread and become even more difficult to eradicate.
So, how long can bed bugs survive in the absence of a host? There have been numerous studies on bed bug survival, and the only thing the researchers seemed to agree on was that bed bugs can hibernate. However, the length of that hibernation is still debatable. So the most conclusive answer we can give is that bed bugs can go without feeding for an average of two to six months to a year (depending on multiple factors).
A-1 Pest Masters offers reliable services to remove bed bugs. You can get assistance anytime by calling (312) 647-2630. You can also visit our site to learn about What Attracts Bed Bugs To Bite You and more.